Freelance Health Consultant Job「Body Hacker」in Japan

Got a great body?

Get paid for it and help our clients develop their own healthy lifestyle.



Why We Need Your Expertise


Japan is facing hyper aging society. While its population is decreasing, its medical expense is increasing.


According to the survey conducted by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2010, medical expense of Japan increased by 21.4% in the 10 years from 2000 to 2010.(出典:厚生労働省白書平成25年版)


If we dont stop this tendancy, it looks like future of Japan is very dark.


Our goal is to lead people to have healthier life via fitness and reduce ultimately half of the medical expense.



Our Activities


To promote health conscious in various groups of people, not only do we hold events and seminars but we also expose our message to medias.


Media exposure include fitness modeling and acting.


Additionally we match our clients and consultants for personal training.


Jobs are assigned according to your expertise and interest.



Who We Are Looking For


Your hard earned body and technic and knowledge about health is most welcomed.


Anyone who lives in Japan from any country. No visa is required.



How To Join Us


Please submit your basic information via registration form below.


We will contact you back for an interview.


Interview will be held either in person or online.


Once you join our group as a health consultant, your data will be registered on our member database.


Your jobs will be offered internally by us or directly by clients via the database.


All the consultants are freelance so you can use our services to promote your own business, as a second job or even as a hobby.



Registration is here

    Last Name* (Required)

    First Name* (Required)

    Date of birth(Year)* (Required)

    Prefecture* (Required)


    Tel* (Required)

    E-mail* (Required)


    Height* (Required)

    Weight* (Required)

    fat percentage* (Required)

    BWH measurement* (Required)

    Job* (Required)

    certification (Required)




    training style

    Special ability (Required)

    body buildong Awards & athletic experience(Required)




    reasons for application*(Required)

    Sports trainer professional area

    your face to be shown(Required)

    ※Two photos of whole body photograph and bust-up (with one clothes of upper body's muscles) Please attach a photograph(Required)

    ※We will conduct a selection of profiles based on the contents of registration and will contact you only for the interview schedule. It will be registered when it is certified by interview.

    Avatar photo



    筋肉革命サイト「BODY HACK」 編集部。マッチョ関係のイベント情報や様々なトレーニング、ドクター・トレーナーによる食や健康、マッチョ対談等のフィットネスブログ記事をアップ。筋トレと執筆の両立ができるように、チーム一丸となって奮闘中。ちなみに、ボディハッカーとして地域で活躍する筋肉紳士を随時募集中(男性・女性)。ALLOUTやボディハッカーが活動するBody Hackers Lab(パーソナルトレーニングジム)も福岡12店舗、熊本1店舗運営。

    24時間ジム ALLOUT情報 CM TV アンチエイジング エクササイズ コスプレ コラボ企画 サプリメント サマースタイルアワード シックスパック ステマ ストレッチ ダイエット トリビア トレーニングウェア パーソナルトレーニングジム ビジネス プライベートジム プロテイン ベストボディジャパン ボディハッカー出演実績 ボディビル マッスルカフェ マッスルプラス マッチョイベント マッチョキャスティング マッチョフリー素材 リハビリ 仕事 健康 博多 外資系筋肉 天神 減量 福岡 筋トレ 筋トレ動画で学ぶ 筋肉 美女トレ動画 美容 脚全般 脱メタボ 腕全般 腹筋

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